
Posts Tagged ‘Compound Interest’

What did Albert Einstein know about Interest?

In Uncategorized on March 31, 2012 at 4:35 am


So HERE is What Did Albert Einstein knew about Interest ?
“The greatest invention of mankind is compound interest”………Albert Einstein…..
What IS compound Interest?
Compound Interest is where you get interest on your principle and then as it grows, you get interest
on the new growth as well………
Want to know how to REALLY grow your money……It’s called Triple Compound Interest…..
1.Get interest on your Principle
2.Get interest on your interest
3.Get interest on what you save in taxes….
There is an investment that is safe, no market risk and you get triple compounding of your money….
Why has no one told you about this investment.???? If they did, would you want it???
Guess what?……Banks and Stockbrokers will NEVER tell you about this……….
But WE will….give us a shout at